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The Youth Sunday School are reading through the Psalms. The group is facilitates by Kirby and Janine Naves and driven by the students desire to apply the Psalms to their everyday lives


Volunteering at the Food Pantry

Community Service & Hangouts:
Food Pantry Volunteers & Bowling with Friends

Black Diamond

Calvary High School Hangouts


Come hang out with us!

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Second Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m.
A fun and safe space for teen. Food, space to explore faith and talk about life, and play fun games.


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Confirmation Class

Pastor Jon and Sister Jennie co-teach family-style Confirmation ministry twice a month, which involves sharing dinner and a time of large group instruction along with time for small group peer time: youth and parents each have time separately to talk with Pastor or Sister.

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Calvary Lutheran Chruch, 909 NE A Street, Grants Pass, OR. 97527
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